
When Is It Time to Hire Help at Home? 该请家政服务人员了?

    Phamry | Updated 更新 July 22, 2020 2020年7月22日

    Most seniors are happy, healthy and fully independent. However, by its very nature, the aging process eventually brings about physical and mental changes that can interfere with an active and independent lifestyle.


    When Does a Senior Need Help at Home?老年人什么时候需要家庭帮助?

    A change in functioning doesn’t have to necessitate a move to assisted living or a nursing home, but it does indicate a need for extra help to support a senior’s desire to age in place. Family members often step in to provide support and supervision, but hiring a professional caregiver for in-home help may be necessary at some point to address an elder’s increasing care needs. Ultimately, involving a home health aide can benefit both the seniors and their family caregivers.


    Recognize the Signs That an Aging Loved One Needs Help at Home认识到年迈的爱人需要家庭帮助的迹象

    Changes in personal appearance and household cleanliness typically indicate a shift in physical and/or mental status. Even subtle behavioral changes may imply that an elder is no longer capable of completing once familiar tasks without support. Maybe you’ve noticed that Dad’s unopened mail is piling up or that Grandma, once meticulous about her appearance, is wearing dirty clothes and not doing her hair. These are just two real-life examples of the many definitive signs that an individual’s functional abilities are in decline.


    It is often apparent upon arrival at a loved one’s home that things have gone awry. Household chores can become challenging for a number of reasons, but when upkeep has stopped to the point of extreme clutter and unsanitary conditions, it is a clear warning that outside help is required for maintaining health and safety in the home. Other signs include inadequate fresh food in the house, evidence of weight loss, forgetting to take medications, and unexplained bruising that often points to changes in mobility.

    很明显,到达爱人的家时,事情往往出了岔子。由于多种原因,家务活可能会变得具有挑战性,但是当家务活已经停止到了极度混乱和不卫生的地步时,这是一个明确的警告: 为了维持家庭的健康和安全,需要外界的帮助。其他症状包括家中新鲜食物不足,体重减轻,忘记服药,以及无法解释的瘀伤,这些常常表明活动能力发生了变化。

    Deviation from established personal hygiene routines is one of the most common red flags that family members observe. Although seniors may not bathe as frequently as they did when they were younger, a strong smell of urine or body odor or refusal to change out of dirty clothes indicates it is time to step in. A noticeable decline in grooming habits and personal care is a sure sign that a senior is struggling physically and/or mentally to meet their own needs.


    New or worsening health issues often indicate that a senior requires a full medical workup and could benefit from skilled help at home. A home health care provider can help an aging loved one monitor their vital signs, manage chronic medical conditions, navigate their complex medication regimen, participate in therapy exercises that improve independence and care for wounds.


    Recognize the Signs of Caregiver Burnout认识照顾者疲劳的迹象

    If you are currently helping your loved one with grocery shopping, housekeeping, transportation to appointments or managing their medications, be honest about how this added responsibility is affecting you, your family and your schedule. Caregiving is emotionally demanding and physically exhausting. It is important for caregivers to recognize the signs of caregiver burnout and acknowledge when it is time to share the workload. If the level of care a loved one requires has become more than you can handle, or your level of involvement is causing anxiety or depression, hiring a home health aide may be the best solution for everyone involved.


    Browse Our Free 浏览我们的免费 Senior Care Guides 长者护理指南

    How to Start the Conversation About Hiring Help at Home如何开启关于在家雇佣帮手的谈话

    If you’ve noticed the red flags above in yourself or your loved one, the time to start talking about hiring non-medical home care services and/or home health care is sooner rather than later. Do not wait until a crisis occurs. Sadly, elder care can be a delicate topic that many seniors wish to avoid. So, how do you bring up sensitive subjects related to aging? Home Instead Senior Care, an American-based multinational network of franchises specializing in non-medical home-based care, offers some tips and conversation starters that might help overcome the awkwardness.

    如果你已经注意到自己或你爱的人身上的危险信号,那么现在开始讨论聘用非医疗性的家庭护理服务和/或家庭护理的时间是越早越好。不要等到危机发生。可悲的是,老年护理可能是一个敏感的话题,许多老年人希望避免。那么,你如何提出与衰老有关的敏感话题呢?“家庭而不是老年护理”(Home Instead Senior Care)是一家总部位于美国的跨国网络机构,专门从事非医疗性的家庭护理业务。该机构提供了一些建议和话题,可能有助于克服这种尴尬局面。

    Tips for Talking About In-Home Care With Seniors

    Discuss what you’ve observed and ask your loved one what they think is going on. If they acknowledge the situation, ask what you can do to help and what they think would be viable solutions. If a senior does not recognize the problem or shrugs it off, use concrete examples to support your concerns.


    Seniors will often go to great lengths to maintain their independence. Instead of focusing on how your loved one needs the extra help at home, emphasize that home care would actually be beneficial for you, too. Focus on the shared advantages of having an “extra pair of hands” available on a regular basis.


    Remember that you are having a conversation with an adult, not talking to a child. Put yourself in their shoes and think of how you would want to be addressed in this situation. Patronizing speech will only put older adults on the defensive and convey disrespect.


    Perhaps it would help to defer to an authority on this matter. Speak with their doctor about what you have observed. A physician who understands and shares your concerns will reinforce that accepting help at home is a crucial part of safely aging in place. Other sources of support in this decision might include a hospital social worker, a geriatric care manager (also known as an

    也许在这个问题上听从权威人士的意见会有所帮助。和他们的医生谈谈你的观察。一个理解和分享你的担忧的医生会强调在家接受帮助是在家安全老化的关键部分。这个决定的其他支持来源可能包括医院的社会工作者,老年护理经理(也被称为Aging Life Care Professional 老年护理专业人士), a respected friend or an Area Agency on Aging community representative. These individuals can serve as a neutral third party and more effectively present the )、受人尊敬的朋友或老龄问题地区机构的社区代表。这些个人可以作为一个中立的第三方,更有效地呈现benefits of hiring home care 雇佣家庭护理的好处.

    Hiring Help at Home: What’s Next? 在家里雇佣帮手: 下一步是什么?

    Hiring a home care company is the next step in helping a loved one remain safe, healthy and happy at home. You can choose non-medical home care or home health care, depending on a senior’s unique and changing needs. Best of all, these services are delivered in the comfort of a client’s own home.


    Read: The Difference Between Home Health Care and Non-Medical Home Care Services

    阅读: 家庭保健和非医疗家庭护理服务的区别

    Use the guide below to help you select the home care company or home health care provider that fits your needs and budget. Assure your loved one that they will be able to participate throughout the process of interviewing potential providers, deciding which company to hire and selecting home health aides. This involvement will help them retain a sense of control over their situation and feel more comfortable when the services actually begin.


    Read: How to Select a Home Care Company


    Caring for aging adults will always pose challenges and tough choices regarding their safety and independence. Fortunately, there are many resources available that can enable you to make confident caregiving decisions that support both you and your loved one.
